Ever hear the saying “One Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words?” Well if you haven’t let me enlighten you a bit. Every picture tells a story. Any artist will tell you that. So what is your profile picture saying about you? Is it portraying the message you want? Does it evoke emotions, curiosity, intrigue and/or interest? Is it truly reflecting who you are and how you want to be perceived? If the answer is “yes” well then I guess you do not need to read any further (although I would encourage you to do so). If the answer is “no” then I believe I can help.
I find it behooves me to have more than one profile picture. I have one for my social media that is fun and relates to my friends and family. Another reflects my serious professional side for sites like Linkedin and those nosey prospective employers, business colleges and so on. This has me dressed for success, if you get my drift. Another for my online dating sites. Honestly, I have more than one for the latter. These show my flirty, sexy and playful side. Each picture shares a glimpse of the many facets of my personality and character, all of which I control.
The Perfect Profile Picture to Capture Her Interest
Ok enough about me, time to get back to you. Let’s focus on your online dating picture. If you are looking to get that dream girl’s attention you better not have a picture of you sitting around your apartment in your boxers chugging down a beer. Think about it guys, what does that say about you? Gives me the impression you were too lazy to throw on some pants and a shirt and that more effort was put into your brew than in landing a date. It screams “slug” in all honesty. Not the kind of image or impression you were hoping to make, is it?
So what would appeal to the opposite sex? Let’s explore some of the options you have, shall we. What characteristics in a women best suit your needs and desires? After some soul searching, and you have zeroed in on your ideal mate, it is time to do some primping and modeling. This is the first impression, what will draw her to you. If you have any chance of this going further you need to peak her curiosity.
They say “Clothes make the man.” Ask yourself what type of woman you are trying to attract and reflect it in the way you present yourself. For example, you say a hot model type minx is your love bunny. Then I would totally suggest a GQ look: dressed in casual pants and button down shirt (with the top two buttons undone). Or perhaps a nicely fitted tee to show off all that hard work at the gym is more your style. Try this with a coy, come hither or sheepish smile on your face. Slick back your hair and be perfectly groomed. On the other hand, if you gravitate more to the down to earth kind of gal here is my recommendation: jeans and a tee or collared knit shirt. A genuine smile and a more controlled yet disheveled look to your hair should do the trick. You can always throw in a bit of stubble for good measure. Do fitness enthusiasts float your boat? How about sporting those tightly fitted bike shorts and matching shirt while straddling your rough terrain bike. It isn’t difficult once you have narrowed down the girl of your dreams or fantasies. All you need to do is mirror your profile picture to her which will grab her attention and spawn a conversation (take note…your bio should coincide with your profile pic as well). Don’t think she won’t be doing the same exact thing with her profile and picture. Get the picture? Good, now get that selfie stick and go to work!
You may wonder why you are going to such lengths to catch the eye of a women. The answer is simple. We women look at the wrapping the same as men. If the package is wrapped up nicely sporting a pretty ribbon and bow we want to tear it open to find out what is inside. On the other hand, if the package is wrapped in old newspaper, crinkled up recycled paper or even worse, not wrapped at all, our curiosity gives way to disinterest.
Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words. What is your picture saying? And first impressions are usually lasting impressions. So if you truly want to be successful in your online dating quest you have to make an effort and the effort begins with that first glance at your profile picture. Don’t get passed by just because your profile picture is lame. This can indeed make it or break it. It is all up to you.